Residents of the Municipality of Brighton will benefit from a significant donation from Masonic United Lodge 29 to the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund.
The lodge announced on Friday that they will be donating $300,000 to the fund.
The Masonic United Lodge was purchased in 2018 after 200 years of history in the community.
In December 2019, members of the lodge decided to donate $300,000 to charity. The Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund was officially selected as the recipient.
“In the face of declining membership, United Lodge 29 is leaving Brighton but the members believe that our long history and significant contributions to this community should be remembered in perpetuity. By donating a significant part of the proceeds of the sale of our building to this important fund, we will be able to achieve this goal,” said Marc Dupuis, current Master of United Lodge 29.
Masonic United Lodge 29 will resume operation at a new location combined with the Frankford Masonic Lodge.
The Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund has an extended history in the community as well.
The organization seeks out community-based organizations and supports some projects that need funding.
This $300,000 donation will help the community fund continue to support Brighton.
In the past the fund has helped with projects such as the skate board park, arena upgrades, physician recruitment projects, the ENSS Quest project and the stage project at Memorial Park.
With the donation the fund will continue its grant program for the masonry trade at ENSS. The post-secondary program awards graduating students with up to $2,000 in bursaries each year
Other projects and causes deemed worthy will also be supported!
“When we add that donation to the fund we already have, we should be able to extend grants of $50,000 annually to about the year 2040-2042,” said Bruce Davis, Secretary Treasurer of the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund.
Davis adds, “There are a lot of reallygood porganizations in Brighton, organizations that need help to sustain and expand their operations and this fund will allow us to do that, and it will continue the legacy of Brian Todd.