More than 100,000 holiday letters to Canadian service personnel have already flowed through the Canadian Forces Base Trenton post office, and more are coming every day.
This will set a record for the “Write the Troops” program.
Other years the program topped at about 80,000 for the entire holiday season.
The idea is that Canadians serving around the world this Christmas holiday will receive a message from home, even if it’s from a Canadian they don’t know.
Master Corporal Jordan Gibson, who works in the busy mail room, says the letters and cards go to the deployed land stations around the world and posts in Canada for army, navy, and air force personnel.
Gibson says officials on base or sometimes the padres will make sure everyone gets some mail.
Quinte News asked what he thinks this means to the people in service.
Letters to navy personnel on ships are handled through postal depots on east and west coasts.
Gibson calls the program a great boost to the morale of the members overseas.
To send a holiday letter or card to a service member you don’t know, use the following address:
Any Canadian Forces Soldier
PO Box 5140
Station Forces
Belleville Ontario K8N 5W6