The plan to expand St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School in Belleville’s east end is on its way to city council.
Monday night, the city’s Planning Advisory Committee approved the zoning changes that would allow the existing two-storey portion of the school to be torn down along with three houses the school board owns.
The proposal calls for a new two-storey building to be built, connected to the remaining one-storey section.
A staff report indicates a number of issues raised by the public at an earlier meeting have been addressed by the school’s builder to the satisfaction of staff, and the report says the builder’s plan has exceeded required mitigation measures.
It states, “The Board (the Catholic Board of Education) strongly believes that they must be able to secure the school site in order to keep students and staff safe and provide distinct separation.”
The current proposal calls for no public access across the site and that a gate be installed at the public walkway from Hastings Drive along the school’s property line that would permit students to access the school during certain periods of the day.
One resident had a stormwater concern and the school’s builder has indicated the grade can be lowered at the site in question to create a swale.
The committee is recommending that city council approve the rezoning.