Things could always be better but the main takeaway from recent surveys involving Quinte West residents
and city staff indicate that life is pretty good in Quinte West.
Consultants hired by council as part of the completion of a new strategic plan for the city undertook public
consultations in three ways with those being focus groups, an online survey of residents, and online and hard-copy surveys of city staff.
For the residents’ survey there were 305 responses while for the staff survey there were 69.
Highlights of the residents’ survey show that about 90% of respondents believed their quality of life was either
good or very good.
Almost 80% felt very or somewhat satisfied with council’s performance and 63% believed they were getting good
value for their tax dollars.
When asked what council’s priorities should be to bring more out of town visitors to the city, over half of
residents who responded said the focus should be on parks, trails, festivals and shopping availabilities.
When asked about Quinte West’s greatest strengths residents topped the list with 8 Wing Trenton, parks, marina,
waterfront, off-season activity, location and lifestyle.
As far as greatest weaknesses were concerned homelessness, lack of a women’s shelter, transportation for low-income
families and lack of activities for young families topped the list.
The main takeaway from the city employee survey comes from the question asking “are you satisfied with your job?”
Over 80% of respondents said they were satisfied to varying degrees with their positions.
The results of the surveys can be seen here.