Residents and visitors will need to be a little more aware in Prince Edward County.
Council voted on Tuesday night to change the speed limits on a number of municipal roads.
Nick Nowitski spoke to councillors at Shire Hall at the start of their regular council meeting asking for Loyalist Parkway from Salem Road to Lakeside Drive be reduced to 60 km/h from 80 km/h.
He pointed out to those in the council chamber, that that stretch of road is the only one in the village which does not see a slow down to 60 km/h along Loyalist Parkway.
During his deputation, he pointed out 10 accidents or near misses that have occurred on that stretch of road.
Mayor Steve Ferguson says it is a residential area and with more cars coming and going there is an increased danger.
Council approved the speed change from Millennium Trail to County Road 1.
Other changes also include: Wellington Main Street (from Consecon Street to Beach Street) be changed to 40km/h; making Wellington Main Street (from West Limits of Wellington Ward to Consecon Street) 50km/h; Wellington Main Street (from Beach Street to East Limits of Wellington Ward) set to 50km/h; Union Street (from existing 50km/h portion at Union Street to 140m east of Pine Ridge Drive) to 50km/h; County Road 22 (from Church Street to 100m west of London Avenue) to 50km/h; Union Street/County Road 8 (from 140m east of Pine Ridge Drive to 640m east of Pine Ridge Drive) to 60km/h; County Road 22 (from 100m west of London Avenue to County Road 10) to 60km/h; and County Road 34 (from County Road 4 to County Road 5) to 70km/h.