No one ever likes talking about money but it needed to be done.
Council in Prince Edward County discussed pay raises for next year at the committee of the whole meeting on Thursday afternoon at Shire Hall.
The recommended council remuneration for 2020 is: Mayor – $49,229, Councillor – $24,615, Committee Chair- $1,698, Committee Meeting Chair Honorarium – $138
The by-law brought forward has their pay taking a 1.9 per cent jump, falling in line with the Consumer Price Index increase (cost of living).
Councillor Phil Prinzen said he felt there shouldn’t be an increase at all.
Councillor Janice Maynard said she relies on her remuneration pay.
Director of Finances Amanda Carter says council needed to make a decision so she could input the necessary numbers in the council budget for upcoming budget discussions.
Councillor Phil St. Jean had a different view on the issue.
Council approved the motion and it will be up for final approval later this month.