The development of Belleville’s new police station at the corner of College and Sidney streets is back on time, following a lengthy strike by sheet metal workers in the summer.
The strike held up work on the roof but Special Projects Manager Joel Carr-Braint says that time is being made up now.
There was a big work change regarding a decision to move the huge communications tower at the back corner of the property closer to the building.
Carr-Braint tells Quinte News, “So we don’t have to use such high grades of wire and stuff to get it there. That added a few weeks of work. We had to dig a hole 20 feet down, 20 feet square, and put two or three feet of concrete at the bottom for the base of the communcations tower. So that took up a bit of time.”
The sophisticated 911 equipment will have to be installed as well.
Carr-Braint says the plan to move in in the spring is still on target.