Students with the Algonquin and Lakeshore District Catholic School Board are generally doing better academically than their counterparts with the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board.
That is according to the latest statistics from the Education Quality and Accountability Office.
For example, in grade 3 math, 56% of students with the Catholic board met or surpassed provincial standards compared to just 48% of those in the public board.
In grade 6 writing, 79% of Catholic board students made the grade compared to 64% for those in the public board.
That was the prevailing trend in all the test results that involved students in grades 3, 6, and 9.
EQAO is an independent agency that creates and administers large-scale assessments to measure Ontario students’ achievement in reading, writing and math at key stages of their education.
HPEDSB Superintendent of Curriculum Service, Tina Elliott says the results for HPEDSB are concerning.
“The data shows that our students continue to perform below the province. The results are static in some areas of reading and writing and continue to trend downwards in mathematics. We want to see a better outcome than this for our students,” said Elliott in a press release.
The release also stated the results show there is work to do at the school board, starting at the central office level through to the classrooms.
More details on the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board can be found here.
More details on the Algonquin and Lakeshore District Catholic School Board can be found here.