Belleville’s fire and protective services could take a turn in the future, affecting the present professional and volunteer firefighter setup.
Belleville council created a new committee at its meeting Monday, the Protective Services Advisory Committee, to guide the city through a Master Plan process for its fire department.
A year long consultants report has a long list of recommendations.
That report is expected to be made public this week and posted on the city’s website.
Fire Chief Mark MacDonald told council it will be a chance “to drill down on the level of service.” He said without a Master Plan in the past “the shoe wasn’t fitting any more.”
He added, “What this review is bringing into focus is the ability of the fire service for the first time in its 202 year history to actually to set a level of service for the municipality and only council can set the level of service for a municipality for protective services and fire services. The purpose of this committee will be to be an advisory committee for council to collect information from the various stakeholders and make recommendations to council for their consideration.”
Mayor Mitch Panciuk tells Quinte News the report has serious implications for Ward 2 residents.
Councillor Chris Malette called it a “game changer” that will be controversial for some parts of the city.
Panciuk says it’s going to involve difficult discussions.
The new committee is expected to be struck in September with possibly public meetings and a report in a year or more.