The public health unit that serves Northumberland county is concerned about the high incidence of people being exposed to rabies.
So far in 2019, the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge Health has investigated approximately 300 incidents in which people were bitten or scratched by an animal, potentially exposing them to rabies.
Just under two-thirds of these cases have occurred since April 1.
Manager of Environment Health, Richard Ovcharovich, says the health unit usually sees these cases each summer but “what’s concerning to us is the significant jump in cases so far this spring and summer.”
The Health Unit encourages people to be careful around wild animals and pets, especially as a bite or scratch can put them at risk of serious injury and potential exposure to rabies.
When seeing any wild animal, Ovcharovich recommends not to pet or approach it.
The Health Unit must be notified any time an animal bites or scratches a person.
Public health inspectors investigate each incident to determine if there is a risk of rabies.