He also suggested the federal government should invest in monitoring flood issues.
McNevin told the committee “climate change is directly impacting our weather and our communities.”
In light of record flooding in the community again this year, just two years after 2017’s historic flooding, McNevin added a statement that “we need to promote forest preservation, support tree-planting programs, enhance and strengthen protection measures for watercourses, wetlands, and headwater drainage features. We need to ensure that development is located in the right place, not in floodplains and wetlands.”
FireRein, based in Napanee, was also on hand to speak to innovative ways to combat wildfires using its non-toxic fire suppressant.
FireRein makes a fire suppressant that is 100% bio-based, made from ingredients found in food, which contrasts with other products that use polymers that can contain cancer-causing chemicals and respiratory irritants.