The words ‘climate emergency’ are back in, in Prince Edward County.
As water levels continue to rise on Lake Ontario to record highs for the second time in three years, council voted 10-3 to include the words climate emergency instead of climate urgency when it comes to reestablishing an Environmental Advisory Committee.
Councillor Kate MacNaughton pulled the motion for a second attempt to have her motion contain ‘the strongest wording possible’ as the municipality recognizes a very serious problem, a very serious emergency that requires immediate attention.
Rosalind Adams and Jim Gronau both made delegations to council regarding the importance of this issue, and four others spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting on Tuesday night at Shire Hall.
Federal Bay of Quinte NDP candidate Stephanie Bell spoke, stating she was appalled by their previous decision as “we urgently need to act on this emergency”.
Mayor Steve Ferguson says they have a situation they have to deal with and including language as strong as possible is important.
MacNaughton told those in council chambers they need to start the ball rolling.
Councillor Andreas Bolik wanted to see the committee deferred until after the strategic planning session as he felt declaring a climate emergency forces council to make the environment their number one priority.
He said he doesn’t want to see just noble rhetoric with no changes.
Mayor Ferguson noted there are a number of groups in The County working on various environmental concerns.
The committee still needs to be formed and terms of reference established.