It appears that Tyendinaga Township and Lennox and Addington County are one step closer to getting a big infrastructure project underway.
At this week’s municipal meeting, Tyendinaga council received an update about the proposed roundabout for Deseronto and Belleville roads.
The project would be a partnership between L&A County, Tyendinaga, the federal and provincial governments.
Township CAO Brad Roach says he received word from local provincial officials they are supporting the project.
Roach says now the proposal moves on to the federal government for final review.
The entire cost of the roundabout is approximately $1.24 million.
The financial breakdown would see the feds covering 50 percent of the cost (about $620,000), the province 33.3 percent (about $413,000), Lennox & Addington about 10 percent ($124,000) and Tyendinaga Township about 6.7 percent (about $83,000).
Roach says he is hopeful a final decision will be made before the federal election.