The United Way is lending a helping hand to schools in Northumberland County.
The Northumberland United Way has given a $5,000 grant to the Northumberland Food for Thought.
This means local schools can now order healthy food online to replenish the supplies for their Student Nutrition Programs.
The group can now create a new online food ordering system for the schools.
Not only does this make it quicker and easier for individual schools to order food items, but it also allows them to buy in bulk with other schools in the area – providing more bang for the buck.
Northumberland United Way CEO Healther Norris says “A small investment can create a significant impact in our community. For this reason, we are thankful to our many generous donors and thrilled to share these funds with Northumberland Food For Thought for the new online food ordering system.”
“Local students come to school hungry for a variety of reasons, not just poverty, and Student Nutrition Programs are there to ensure they have the food they need to succeed in school,” says Beth Kolisnyk, the Community Development Coordinator with Northumberland Food For Thought. “We’re so grateful to Northumberland United Way for seeing value in these programs and funding an exciting new initiative that ensures healthy food is there every day for our students.”