Belleville is watching the latest steps in the six-year-long process of a quarry expansion near its eastern border, but planning staff see no objections at this point.
A report to the city’s Planning Committee this week outlined the process for the new quarry extension/expansion off the existing Longs Quarry in Tyendinaga township, at the intersection of Shannonville Road and Melrose Road. The quarry is owned by C.H. Demill Holdings.
This is about two kilometres from Belleville’s boundary.
The staff report says some of the extraction trucks would travel to Belleville, but they would be carrying materials necessary for construction in the city. The city committee received the report.
The quarry extension was first proposed more than six years ago.
A public meeting is scheduled to be held in Tyendinaga Township, starting at 10 a.m. on October 13.
Township council is tentatively scheduled to make a decision at its meeting on November 19.