Eliminating dead zones and not overloading the network are some of the things the Eastern Ontario Regional Network (EORN) are hoping to do with their next major project.
David Fell and Lisa Severson appeared on Thursday afternoon at Shire Hall in Prince Edward County to ask for $40,000 towards this project.
Fell says the funds would show the County’s commitment to this phase of the $213 million private/public partnership project; of which $71 million has already been contributed by the provincial government.
The entire County contribution would be between $232,716 and $328,996, paid over four years or paid in a one time instalment.
Acting Mayor Dianne O’Brien says she hopes staff can find a way to come up with the funds.
Fell told those in chambers that the project, to close coverage and capacity gaps, will create over 3,000 jobs, improve public safety and support the push to 5G.
He says this project would leave a coverage gap of less than one percent, in comparison to the current 18%.
If council decides to go ahead with the project, Fell says the payment for the project wouldn’t be expected until 2019 after the initial contribution.
Council requested staff bring a report back for further discussion.