APPEC has withdrawn their motion against wpd White Pines.
Following a court proceeding in Toronto on Friday, the Alliance to Protect Prince Edward County have withdrawn their motion to have construction cease during the active period of the Blanding’s turtles.
White Pines Wind Inc. informed APPEC on Friday construction would only take place on one site during the period of May 1st to October 14th, prompting the withdrawal motion.
During the active period, there was to be no maintenance or construction of the development.
According to a press release from APPEC, they filed the motion because documents showed White Pines Wind Inc would be continuing construction of the project during the prohibited period, which would have been a contravention of the terms of the Renewable Energy Act.
CORRRECTION: In an earlier story on this last week, we incorrectly stated that an Environmental Review Tribunal decision on the project had not been made, when in fact it was made in late March.
We apologize the confusion and you can click here to read the full decision.