Plans are underway to restore the Old Hay Bay Church, a national historic site in Adolphustown.
Old Hay Bay Church has sat on South Shore Road for the past 225 years.
It was built by Loyalist settlers who fled the United States after the Revolution there.
Church trustees plan a $300,000 restoration of the building which is the oldest surviving Methodist building in Canada.
It was built in 1792 and declared a historic site in 2000.
Elaine Farley is a fifth generation descendant of two of the founders.
Farley is chair of the restoration committee.
She says replacing the wooden siding will be the first step.
A special event at the Lennox and Addington Museum and Archives in Napanee Wednesday afternoon will reveal the restoration plans, and launch the fundraising campaign for the work.
The church is a tourist attraction and setting for such events as weddings and family reunions.