If you have an interest in helping to integrate hospice palliative care into our community, you might be a perfect fit for a board member position, with Hospice Quinte.
Executive Director Jennifer May-Anderson says hospice is looking for people with experience in legal, finance, accounting, marketing and communication, to join the board and provide governance and strategic leadership.
The board meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m., with several other standing committees of the board that meet regularly as well.
Board members are expected to participate in at least one standing committee and become a Hospice Quinte member as well, at a nominal fee.
If you’re interested, you can sign up at the Hospice Quinte Website, or email Jennifer May-Anderson at jennifermayanderson@hospice-quinte.ca, before January 15th.
Hospice Quinte cares for terminally ill individuals and assists their caregivers by offering support and companionship through various programs and support groups.