It’s another step in the fight against the use of throw away plastic water bottles, at events in the City of Belleville.
This week, city council decided to become a little more environmentally friendly by approving an alternative to the bottle.
Council decided to buy a Mobile Water Refilling Station at a cost of just over $50,000. Council had set aside $55,000 in its budget.
This unit will be outfitted with the solar option, providing enough power to run pumps. It includes a chiller option when connected to an electrical source.
The refilling station will be used at summertime events in the city to encourage people to use refillable containers, instead of using throw away plastic bottles.
Council approved the bid by a company called Quench Buggy.
The water station can also be used to supply water during boil water emergencies, extreme heat or emergency events.
A report by Transportation and Operations Service Manager Joe Reid indicates Quench Buggy was the only bidder. It is the only supplier of this type of unit in Ontario.