For 58 current and retired Prince Edward County Fire and Rescue members received recognition earlier this week for their years of service.
The Fire Services Exemplary Service Medal is awarded by the Governor General of Canada and honours firefighter members who have completed 20 years of service, 10 years of which have been served in the performance of duties involving potential risks.
The Government of Ontario awards the Fire Services Long Service Medal to those who have achieved 25 years of service in suppression, training, public education, inspections and communications.
The County awards service pins to firefighters who have achieved 10 and 20 years of service and then every additional five years of service.
PEC Fire Chief Scott Manlow says he’s very honoured to have worked alongside each and every one and looks forward to their continued service to the department.
Mayor Robert Quaiff says firefighters and fire staff provide an invaluable service to the residents of Prince Edward County often in the face of challenging and life-threatening circumstances.
45 Year Service Provincial Bars
Leonard Bedford
William Bedford
Roger Flower
Robert Tolley
40 Year Service Federal and Provincial Bar
Paul Minaker (Retired)
35 Year Service Provincial Bars
Dan Bakker
Elmer Bentley
Rick Campbell
Peter Cole
David Fox
George Storms
Stephen Vickers
Brent Walker
30 Year Service Federal and Provincial Bars
Carman Courneyea
Richard Doyle
Terry Kewley
Robert Manlow
Maurice Miller
Greg Moore
Earl Munroe
Robert Rutter
Don Williams (Retired)
Peter Williams
Dale Wood
Randy York
25 Year Service Provincial Medals
and Companion Brooches
Michael Bond (Brenda)
Michael Branscombe (Jeri)
Craig Burris(Melissa)
Steve Coates (Cindy)
Paul Creasy (Patsy)
Peter Hagerman (Heather)
Kevin Harrington (Susan)
Don Leavitt (Sherry)
Scott Manlow (Debbie)
Greg O’Hara (Kandy)
Paul Vidito (Sheila)
David Wetherall (daughter Samantha)
Shawn Whalen (Lori)
20 Year Service Federal Medals
Gord Bell
Richard Copple
Bob Downey
Jason Fairman (Retired)
Jerry Ferguson
Greg Gorsline
Andrew Prinzen
Robert Rorabeck
Bruce St. James (Retired)
Brian Yott
Jim Young
10 Year Service County Pins
Leo Alarie
Jason Courneyea
Tim DeMarsh
Brent Insley
Tim Jones
Brad Kerr
Doug Morrow
Dwayne Storms
Rob Wood (Retired)