Tyendinaga Township is looking at some big spending for the upcoming capital budget.
At Monday night’s council meeting, members were updated on the highest priority items that will need to be addressed.
Clerk Steve Mercer says they have $1.2 million available to spend, without raising taxes, or borrowing from reserves.
He says a new pumper fire truck at $300,000 is at the top of the list.
Upgrades to Marysville Bridge on Old Highway 2 near Wyman Road, would be $1.1 million, however the municipality has applied for $1 million in senior government funding.
A resurfacing of Old Highway 2 from Wyman Road, west to the Tyendinaga Territory for $300,000 is also a focus, along with the plan to re-work another 15 kilometres of road around the municipality, also at $300,000.
They will make a decision on projects in the new year.
The municipality has about $2 million in reserve accounts.