Anyone interested in improving hospital care will have an opportunity to make their opinions known at a public meeting in Trenton this week.
The Ontario Health Coalition is holding a public consultation on hospital reform and improvement.
The organization is gathering ideas for reform to improve funding, access, and quality of care in hospitals.
Executive Director Natalie Mehra tells Quinte News the idea is to give the public a chance to tell their stories.
Mehra says the Coalition will prepare a report to give to all political parties before the provincial election in June of next year.
Campaign Director Edgar Godoy says, “we’re trying to conduct a democratic process to develop a platform of demands to improve our hospitals and then hold all of the political parties to those demands. The last time we did this, on small & rural hospitals, we got more than 590 submissions across the province and we stopped the closures of the small and rural hospitals across Ontario.”
The public meeting will run from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday at Quinte West Public Library on Creswell Avenue.