Smokers continue to break the no-smoking laws throughout Hastings and Prince Edward counties.
Public Health Director of Health Protection Eric Serwotka reports to the board of health this week that there were 51 convictions of tobacco-related offences in the first six months of this year.
Board member Belleville Councillor Jack Miller noted two of those convictions were for employees of Quinte Health Care smoking in a prohibited area, one at Trenton Memorial and the other at Belleville General Hospital.
Miller said he was looking for leadership at Quinte Health Care.
He recognized smoking is difficult to stop but it has to be done responsibly.
When Miller also pointed out Belleville is going to ban smoking within nine metres of municipal buildings he was told public health would enforce the ban, if asked.
Meanwhile, Serwotka also noted his inspectors are checking to make sure electronic cigarettes are not sold to anyone under 19 years of age.
During the six month period January to June of 2017, his department issued seven tickets for someone selling e-cigarettes to a person under nineteen.