The Glorious Sons were the talk of Rockfest weekend for the crowd in Belleville (Photo: Tim Durkin/ Quinte News)
Downtown Belleville was rockin’ over the weekend.
The 10th annual Empire Rockfest featured headliners Sum 41, the Flatliners, the Trews and Jake Clemons, the Glorious Sons and The Sheepdogs.
Empire Theatre owner Mark Rashotte appeared on Mix 97 with Sean Kelly and Orlena Cain Monday morning to talk about the success of the three-day event that saw 4,000 people in attendance on Saturday for the Glorious Sons and The Sheepdogs.
Rashotte said he is very proud of the local bands Last Chance Marie, The Vile Bodies and Moon Sugar who stepped up and received rave reviews.
Mark Rashotte
Rashotte beamed how the Royal Le Page Shelter Foundation raised $4,000 for the 3 Oaks Shelter for abused women and children and the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Diane’s Place.
The generous crowd also raised $6,110 for Challenger Baseball to go towards a Field of Ability Ball Park.
Rashotte also thanks the many volunteers who helped out to make sure the weekend went off without a hitch.