Finance Minister Bill Morneau stops for a photo with MP Mike Bossio and Hans Honegger and Carolyn Butts, at Bon Eco Design in Tamworth. (Photo: Submitted / MP Mike Bossio)
The Federal Minister of Finance made a couple of stops in our region yesterday, as part of his tour to tout the government’s investments in creating jobs and growth for the middle class.
Bill Morneau visited Tweed and Tamworth with MP Mike Bossio and also stopped for lunch at the Gateway Restaurant with Mayor Jo-Anne Albert.
He visited Gaylord Flooring where he highlighted a $500 million investment into rural high-speed internet and also went to Enright Cattle to discuss investments into education, skills training, infrastructure and innovation.
Morneau also stopped at Bon Eco Design in Tamworth to talk about how business owners themselves, from small family operations to large corporations, are making significant contributions to our economy.