The Hastings and Prince Edward School Board says capping of the French immersion program at Bayside Public School this upcoming school year, is being done for two reasons.
Spokesperson Kerry Donnell tells Quinte News, French immersion info nights were well publicized earlier this year and when the February 24 registration deadline passed, there were enough applications from students within the Bayside catchment area for two classes, but not enough for three.
Donnell says unlike this current school year, the board has to reduce the new grade four class because of space restrictions.
And while the French immersion program is being capped in Bayside, the Hastings and Prince Edward School Board says those programs are actually expanding in other parts of the region.
Parents had voiced concern about not having enough French immersion options around the board’s coverage area, which spokesperson Kerry Donnell says have been addressed.
She says in 2016, a French immersion program was started in Picton and there are two more starting this coming school year.
Donnell adds the board is maintaining a waiting list in Bayside and is encouraging parents who are outside of that area and interested in French immersion, to try to register at either Prince Charles School in Trenton, or Harry J. Clarke School in Belleville.