Lower Trent Conservation has extended its flood watch along the Trent River from Hastings to Trenton.
In a press release on Tuesday, the conservation authority stated the watch issued on April 7 remains as there continues to be the potential for minor flooding of access roads, backyards and basements in low lying areas along the river.
Water levels and flows in areas immediately upstream of Rice Lake, including the Otonabee River and the Kawartha Lakes, appear to have peaked and, in some cases, starting a very slight decline. Water levels on Rice Lake have also remained relatively stable over the past few days.
For residents living along the Trent River within the municipalities of Trent Hills and Quinte West, a slight downward trend in water levels and flows is expected this week. However a forecast of up to 30 mm of rain for Wednesday and Thursday may impact the decline.
The public should be aware that springtime conditions with high water flows and levels will persist for the next few weeks as the large volume of water from the spring runoff moves downstream through the river system. Any significant precipitation during this time could lengthen the period of springtime conditions.
Residents living in low lying, floodplain areas are reminded that septic systems and drinking water supplies may be compromised in flooded areas. Sump pumps should be checked to ensure they are in working order and personal property (boats, docks, etc.) along the river bank should be secured.
Lower Trent Conservation is maintaining daily contact with the Trent-Severn Waterway who are making operational changes to water control structures as necessary to allow the spring runoff to pass downstream through the river system.
Everyone is advised to exercise extreme caution around all waterways. Strong currents pose a safety hazard to anyone. Areas around water control structures should be avoided at all times. Residents experiencing flooding concerns on their property should contact their local municipality.
Lower Trent Conservation monitors water levels and weather forecasts as part of its flood forecasting and warning program. Daily water level information is available at www.ltc.on.ca. If you have concerns about water levels, please contact Lower Trent Conservation at (613) 394-4829.
This Flood Watch will be updated on Friday, April 21, 2017, or earlier if conditions warrant.