Adopt-A-Child program committee members Stirling-Rawdon Police Service Constable Scott Burke (L), program chair and Belleville Police Det. Constable. Ann Earle-Dempsey (R) during the 2016 event kick off. (Photo: Nicole Kleinsteuber / Quinte News)
A team of officers who work to keep local kids warm every winter has been added to a strong list of police members being hailed heroes.
Eight officers are now up for the Police Association of Ontario’s Hero of the Year Award. The award allows the public the opportunity to recognize police officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Over the past month, Detective Sargent Ian Jarvis, Detective Constable Mark Abrams and Sergeant Pat Kellar, and Constables Todd Bennett and Terri Smith have been nominated.
This week Belleville Detective Constable Ann Dempsey, Stirling-Rawdon Constable Scott Burke and Centre Hastings OPP constable Alana Deubel were given the nod for their dedication in helping low income working families with winter outer wear.
Now in its 30th year the Adopt-A-Child – Keep Kids Warm campaign has gone from providing 150 kids a year with new snow suits and boots to over 1,300 annually.
“These three officers not only help with the shopping, packing and distribution of the snow suits, they are there year round to help with fund raising, running of a not for profit committee, and being part of a team of volunteers,” wrote the nominator. “Each of these officers takes their own days off to assist in this well meaning program. Both Alana and Scott know where the need is in their areas, and will assist those families who are reluctant to apply for assistance. Ann works to ensure we are following the guidelines for the not for profit status we have. These individuals are part of a team, and give of their time for this worthy cause. Yes, they may have become part of this team, as it was part of their duties, but it has become so much more. Without these three officers, the Prince Edward, Stirling/Rawdon, Centre Hastings and Belleville children may have cold winters.”
Nominations for the award closed March 19. The hero award recipient will be announced mid-May.