On October 17, renowned filmmakers John and Janet Foster present More Stories from the Wild hosted by the Friends of the Salmon River at their AGM in Roblin.
For more than forty years, John and Janet Foster have been telling stories about Canada. Their filming assignments for CBC, TVOntario, and the Discovery Channel have taken them from coast to coast and into the High Arctic. Through their films and slide shows they have always shared their own passion for Canada’s wild places and the diversity of our wildlife.
In this presentation, John and Janet share more stories, exciting wildlife adventures on their old farm, and new discoveries they have made this year in Hastings County. These are local tales everyone can relate to, including funny and endearing rendezvous with wild turkeys, deer, a barred owl, and many others with whom they share a rich rural habitat. In Prince Edward County, travel with them through dramatic snow squalls, wintering swans and geese, and icy lakeshores. You will see a video of sunrise, mist, and swans at Wellington Harbour on a cold, -20C January morning and learn how the Fosters captured the very images they had envisioned.
Come to More Stories from the Wild, a high caliber show, followed by the Friends of Salmon River AGM on Monday, October 17 at 6:30 p.m. at Roblin Wesleyan Church, 3100 County Road 41, in Roblin. Entry is free for current FSR members or $5 for non-members. Refreshments and discussion will be plentiful. For information, contact Susan at susan@moorepartners.ca or 613-379-5958. Also see friendsofsalmonriver.ca