Breaking the silence on child abuse is the focus of an annual awareness and prevention campaign that kicks off Friday night.
October is Child Abuse Prevention Month and the Highland Shores Children’s Aid Society wants you to know that your call to them could be the most important in a child’s life.
C.A.S. finds children can suffer from many forms of abuse whether it’s physical, sexual, mental, or even neglect. Forms of neglect can include poverty and or drug and alcohol abuse in the home. In 2013, Highland Shores reported 18.4% of children under the age of six lived on or below the poverty line. Within Highland Shores, 97% of all C.A.S. investigations resulted in children staying in their home.
Kate Anderson, Program Coordinator of The Children’s Foundation says the need to get the word out is critical.
Everyone is encouraged to wear purple shirts on October 19.
Also there will be a series of fundraising Go Purple hockey games coming up in Trenton, Picton, Wellington, Campbellford and Port Hope.
Tonight, the Trenton Golden Hawks’ home game will be played in support. Game time is 7:30 p.m. at the Dunc McDonald Community Gardens.
The Picton Pirates’ ‘Go Purple’ night is October 13 and the Wellington Dukes’ is October 14.
To get involved and find out how you can purchase shirts with funds going to support local C.A.S. and Children’s Foundation programing click here.