On July 1, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. members of Central Hastings OPP stopped a sports utility vehicle for speeding on Highway #7 near Flinton Road in the Municipality of Tweed. The vehicle was travelling 147 kilometres per hour in a posted 80 kilometre zone.
As a result, the 26 year old male driver of Ottawa, ON was charged with Operate a Motor Vehicle While Performing a Stunt – Speeding contrary to the Highway Traffic Act. His driver’s licence was seized and his vehicle was impounded, both for a period of seven days.
(Tweed, ON) – Over the Canada Day Holiday Weekend members of Central Hastings OPP conducted eight (8) R.I.D.E Programs (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere).
On July 1, 2016 at 11:30 p.m. officers checked fifty 50 vehicles at Highway 62 at Ridge Road in the Municipality of Centre Hastings. As a result a 26 year old male driver of Madoc, ON was found to be consuming alcohol and registered an alert on a roadside screening device. He was issued a 3 day drivers licence suspension and his vehicle was towed.
In addition on July 2, 2016 at 3:40 p.m. officers checked 35 vehicles on Marble Point Road near Highway 7 in the Municipality of Marmora and Lake. A 41 year old male driver of North York, ON was found to be consuming alcohol and registered an alert on a roadside screening device. He was issued a 3 day drivers licence suspension.