The issue over a sign at a popular beach clothing store has been deferred so council can try to resolve the matter with the owner.
Two weeks ago the committee of the whole informed the owner of Picton’s Beach Bum in the County, Cynthia Nicholls she may have to remove her sign as it doesn’t adhere to the Heritage Conservation District By-law.
The sign covers 17.39 per cent of the facade, 2.39 per cent more than is permitted. The Heritage committee has also asked that a border framing the sign be added along with raised lettering.
Tuesday night, Nicholls addressed council asking to keep her current sign adding she doesn’t want to pay the nearly $1000 quoted to have it replaced.
“It was designed to be recognizable, to draw customers to our store, to entice local and tourist Main Street shopping, said Nicholls said of the bright yellow and blue coloured sign. “We are the type of business the Town of Picton should encourage for contributing to a vibrant downtown, ultimately an asset to the County economy. Some visitors to the County actually consider our store to be a tourist attraction.”
Heritage Committee member Alex Fida told council how it was nothing against Beach Bum personally. He said that he didn’t think they should be pushing down businesses that are complying with the By-law.
Council voted to defer the matter for 90 days.
In other business, the old Hillier Fire Hall could breathe new life again.
County council heard from Hillier Recreation committee member Conrad Beaubien on plans to turn the 1.5 acre property into an accessible town square encouraging community growth.
The lands were recently deemed surplus by council and Beaubien requested they be deeded to the community.
He says they have a working committee ready to start refurbishing out buildings for events like the Hillier fish fry and theatre groups.
The motion was deferred to staff for a report.