Get ready to place your bets because Belleville has officially broken ground on a new $40 million casino.
At a ribbon cutting ceremony Wednesday morning city officials turned up the sod on the new 48,000 square foot Shorelines Casino Belleville on Bell Boulevard.
Mayor Taso Christopher cut the ribbon and says it’s a beautiful day for the City of Belleville.
Great Canadian Gaming Spokesperson Chuck Keeling recognizes that it’s been a long standing issue within the community with the stop and starts on whether a casino was coming to the region.
He says it’s a great day for the community as it will generate an economic spin off nearing $72 million with 300 jobs created.
Chuck Keeling
City councillors from Belleville and Quinte West were in attendance including mayor Jim Harrison.
Bay of Quinte riding MP Neil Ellis who has taken part in multiple casino ribbon cuttings in Belleville over the years says this has been a long time coming so he is pleased that this will be the final one.
Prince Edward Hastings MPP Todd Smith says he can remember when Ross McDougall was mayor and the City opened up the barriers on Bell Boulevard to extend the stretch of roadway and create opportunities for businesses to locate there.
The casino is expected to open and be fully operational early 2017.