Prince Edward OPP are looking for suspects said to be involved in a break in at a well known County pub early this morning.
A senior officer at the detachment says the unknown suspects broke into the Acoustic Grill in downtown Picton.
According to the officer it is still unclear what and how much was taken or an exact timeline of the incident.
Acoustic owners Steve Purtelle and Jenny Leigh tell Quinte News they are heartbroken.
Leigh said the resident who lives in the condo above the restaurant reports hearing banging around 2 a.m.
Leigh explained only the cash register was taken with over $300 inside plus there was damage to the outside door.
“We’ve been in business for 10 years and we have an amazing clientele and local support,” she said. “This is just sad.”
An official media release is expected this afternoon.
If you have any information into this incident you’re asked to contact Prince Edward OPP or Crime Stoppers.